Friday 5 October 2018

Skip Counting

After learning about patterns, Room 6 wondered: What patterns can we see in numbers?

"We were counting." J
"Everytime you look at the different numbers, you see one adding one. plus one, plus one." D
"Whenever you see the numbers it gets bigger and bigger." B
"For one, if you add one more to it, its going to be 2." H

We worked collaboratively to identify different patters using 10 frames. 
"We were seeing if they were getting bigger and bigger. And they actually were." A
"Everytime you looked at them, you always see it plussing 5."K
"First it started off easy, but the numbers got bigger and bigger and it got harder." D
"The number chart there is only a half way done, but the next one is all the way done." H


What patterns did we notice when we started recording the numerals to go with the 10 frames?
"You start counting, and then it turns into a row, then you could just copy the numbers down." M
"It gave me an idea to not look, but the numbers gave me a plan." B
"If you get higher and higher, it gets harder and harder" C
"We get to 100." I

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