Friday 19 October 2018

Number Lines!

This week we have a new learning intention for math:

We are learning to REPRESENT numbers in different ways.

The first way we learned about was number lines.

We all got different numbers and we made them by counting by 1's to 20. -K

We were making the number line in order. -A

We were trying to use the number line to help us skip count. - H

We learned how to make, and how to use number lines to represent numbers and the numbers around them.

We were skipping some numbers and circling the one we stop on. -A
We were choosing which number we want, and Mrs. Downing helps us to understand how it goes.-B
The teacher tells us which number to find and we have to circle it- H
You gotta count the number first, and you can do it. -T
Make little arrows at the end, it shows it never ends- R
You need tick marks.- E
We use the tick marks to go back and forward to show which number. - C
The numbers need some space- B

Friday 12 October 2018

What Do Plants Need?

In Science, we are beginning to learn about the needs of plants and animals. We will be connecting this learning to our big inquiry question of "How Do We Co-Exist?" by looking at what people need from plants and animals and how we also help plants and animals with what they need. 

This week, we learned about what people use plants for:
We use plants for water- A
Sunscreen- M
Vitamins- A
Tea- B
Use them to help a nose bleed- K
To check the weather- R
Rub it on cuts and makes it go away- C

We started working on a big project that will SHOW what plants need:

Plants need rain to make it grow- K
Plants need roots- H
Plants need soil- B
I made the rain- E
We used paper to make roots- D
Why they need sun and water because it helps the plant to grow up. -T
The sun shines to the rain- I
Sun makes the plant grow- A

Friday 5 October 2018

Skip Counting

After learning about patterns, Room 6 wondered: What patterns can we see in numbers?

"We were counting." J
"Everytime you look at the different numbers, you see one adding one. plus one, plus one." D
"Whenever you see the numbers it gets bigger and bigger." B
"For one, if you add one more to it, its going to be 2." H

We worked collaboratively to identify different patters using 10 frames. 
"We were seeing if they were getting bigger and bigger. And they actually were." A
"Everytime you looked at them, you always see it plussing 5."K
"First it started off easy, but the numbers got bigger and bigger and it got harder." D
"The number chart there is only a half way done, but the next one is all the way done." H


What patterns did we notice when we started recording the numerals to go with the 10 frames?
"You start counting, and then it turns into a row, then you could just copy the numbers down." M
"It gave me an idea to not look, but the numbers gave me a plan." B
"If you get higher and higher, it gets harder and harder" C
"We get to 100." I