Friday 28 September 2018

How do we co-exist?

This week we thought about the question "What is something that you can't do alone?"It was really hard to think of something that NO ONE could do alone. 
"You can't build a big giant house by yourself" A

Mrs. Downing gave us a challenge to push the ball with our feet- we couldn't use hands- the ball has to be on the wall when you push it, not the floor.
"We pushed the ball to the sides, helping each other." D
"We had to work together" B
"It was hard but lots of people helped out." I
"If each of us help together, the ball is not going to fall" T


We noticed..
"If we worked together the ball would push up and back against the wall" E
"The ball fell down when no people were helping- only one person was trying thats why it fell down" B


Wednesday 19 September 2018

How can we build 3D shapes?

This week we went around the school for Trekking Tuesday and we were looking for 3D Shapes.
-a 2D shape is flat so you can't really hold it, but a 3D shape is you can hold it. H.
-some 2D shapes are flat, all the 3D shapes are not flat.

We found many shapes such as: Cylinders, Rectangular prisms, even a sphere.


Next we tried building 3D shapes with sticks and marshmallows.
-I made a rectangular prism. E
-I made a cube. B
-It was hard keeping them standing. K.
-It was bending. A
-It was hard for me to make a cube. Al